It is Just Another Day in Paradise: What's in the Bucket? Part 1 of 8

What's in the Bucket? Whatever is in the well (our life/subconcious)comes up in the bucket (beliefs/behaviors/fears)

Harmony in our lives

Chuck Locy

Dec 31 2009

Harmony. Our life is in greater Harmony than we realize. It is balanced. It is as we have consciously and unconsciously designed. If you feel you life should be different, make those changes. First in your thoughts, then in your action. The more you focus your attention (thoughts) on the desired results, the more your behavior (acts) will move in that direction. As the two move forward, we gain more confidence, more esteem, and more.

This concept can be difficult. For we feel a sense on Lack, or worse, a victim. We have desire to blame someone or ourselves. Blame is an excuse for not being responsible. Even if we take the blame for our own transgressions or failures, we are not really accepting responsibility. But, when we accept responsibility, we are being creative, Loving, open to growth. Able to change our lives for the better.

Keep the Harmony you seek consistantly in your mind. Trangressions will occur. When that happens, accept it, forgive your self, and focus anew on the Harmony you seek.

Remember, you are deeply love and always Enjoy your Day in Paradise.

This a series of stories and commentary about life, attitudes, and self realizations. It will assist us in changing our life. About Chuck Locy

Self employed for 30 years. Has studied extensively about personal development and growth.

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